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Why Does Dall-E 2 Need My Phone Number?

The Rationale Behind Dall-E 2's Verification Process
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Why Does Dall-E 2 Need My Phone Number?
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Asking for personal contact details online, like phone numbers, always raises various suspicions. Especially when required by AI-based software such as the Dall-E 2, it becomes more concerning to provide these details due to security and safety reasons. You may also be wondering if Dall-E 2 requires contact details.

If so, then why. Don't worry. We have it covered for you in the below read.

Why does Dall-E 2 need my phone number?

Dall-E 2 is a famous AI-based image generator or creator taking over the internet by storm. Millions of people use their services and many more want to join.

Dall-E 2, being a commercial service, has some significant limitations and a set of rules to use it. This includes the initial step of registering yourself onto their servers through sharing personal details. These details include email ID and phone number too.

Is it safe to give your contact details to OpenAI or Dall-E 2?

We know why Dall-E 2 requires a phone number, like most other tools or software. Dall-E 2 only requires sharing the basic contact details before registering as a formality like others. But many users are most concerned about whether using these details with an AI program is safe, or if it can have consequences.

These details, including the phone numbers you share with Dall-E 2, are being shared with OpenAI, the parent company.

OpenAI needs your phone number only to verify the authenticity of the account. This helps them ensure that the user is genuine and that their platform will remain safe and secure from harm.

However, OpenAI assures all its users that they will not share or forward the personal details of their users to anyone else.


OpenAI is an AI-based technological organization that takes the safety and security of its platform and users very seriously. Unlike many low-profile tools or software that do not require any details for account verification, OpenAI isn't like any of those.

However, rest assured that any details shared with them are safe from being shared or forwarded ahead.

About the Author

Kevin has a broad interest and enthusiasm for consumer electronics, PCs, and all things consumer tech. And more than 17 years experience in tech journalism.