Tech giant Meta, owner of platforms including Instagram and Facebook, has just launched its new app Threads. With 10 million downloads in the first seven hours, Threads is already shaping up to be a strong contender in the alternative Twitter contest. Shadowed by the rivalry between Meta owner Zuckerberg and Twitter owner Musk, users are no doubt curious about Threads and might be eager to get onto the platform now that it has officially come out. If you’re intrigued by Instagram’s new text-based companion app, here is everything you need to know about if you can use Meta Threads, answered.
Can I use Meta Threads?
If you have Instagram, then yes, a Threads profile will be available to you in just a matter of clicks! You must have an Instagram account, and you are required to use your credentials to log in to Threads. Once you’ve launched the app and logged in, your Instagram username will be transferred over and you can start sharing content and customizing your profile.
Threads is free and now available to download on iOS and Android from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store in over 100 countries. This includes the US and the UK, but unfortunately, it is not yet available in the European Union yet due to data regulations.
Although you currently need to have an Instagram account to use Threads, this might not be the case forever. Meta has disclosed that it’s working to make Threads integrative with other apps that support the ActivityPub protocol, such as Mastodon. In the future, Threads posts might be accessible to anyone with a compatible app, whether you have a Threads account or not.
Meta Threads – key information
Threads is Meta’s latest app, designed as a text-based conversation app that could end up being a close rival to Twitter. You can share your opinions and ideas in 500-character text posts, with the option to add photos, videos, and GIFS. Users can also like, reply, and re-post text threads presented on a scrolling feed similar style to Twitter. If you’re interested in what we know so far, we’ve covered Twitter vs Threads in a bit more detail.
Meta describes the vision they want to create with Threads as “what Instagram does best and expand that to text, creating a positive and creative space to express your ideas”. It is a companion app to Instagram, and you will need your Instagram login to make a Threads account. Threads is one of many recent Twitter alternatives, with others such as Bluesky also gaining a lot of attention.