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How To Track Changes In Google Docs

Keeping track of changes and amendments made to a document has never been easier. Discover the tools to help you track changes in Google Docs today.
Last Updated on July 15, 2024
How To Track Changes In Google Docs
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Google Docs is a leading online collaboration tool that allows users to share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with others. One of the main advantages of using this tool is its ability to track changes made within a document.

Being able to track changes on personal and shared documents is a great way to keep everyone in sync when working together on projects as well as keeping track of your own work.

It’s an effective tool for improving collaboration efficiency and a great resource for holding accountability as you complete tasks.

Not being able to track changes made to a document can be frustrating, especially if it’s a largely revised document or a shared document as it could lead to confusion about who has been involved in making revisions and what they have changed.

To avoid any confusion and to help you keep your workload on track, this guide will show you exactly how to track changes in Google Docs.


Tracking Changes On Google Docs

Follow these steps to track changes:



Open New Google Doc

Begin by opening a new Google document. Start by proceeding to select Google Drive.

open google drive



Create New Doc

Once selected, click the tab in the top left corner of the screen marked ‘New.’

create new doc



Open A Blank Document

Once selected, you’ll see a drop-down menu appear. On this menu, select the option marked ‘Google Docs.’ This will open a blank document.

create a blank doc

blank doc



Share Button

Once your document is up and running, the first thing to do is to select each user’s permissions if you are working in a team.

This will enable different members of the team to either edit, view, add suggestions, and add comments to the document without making changes to the content you have input into the document.

To do this, select the tab marked ‘Share’ in the upper-right corner of the document.

share button

name the document



Share With Group

A box titled ‘Share with people and groups will appear. Enter the names of your team members.

share with people



Set Permissions

Next to the box with their name, you can select between making them a viewer, commenter, or editor.

set permissions

Viewing privileges enable the recipient to view the document but not make any changes.

A commenter may make suggestions but cannot make changes to the document.

An editor, on the other hand, has full access to the document and can make amends to the content. These Google Docs features enable swift editing power.

However, if you aren’t working in a team, then you don’t need to worry about selecting editing permission as you won’t be sharing the document with anyone else.


Revision History

The ability to review the history of a document is another great feature that works well for shared documents as it enables all collaborators to view who was involved in revising the document at each stage.

This is also useful for tracking changes made to a document as it shows which sections were modified and provides a timeline of events. The ability to access the complete version history enables accountability.

You may need to enable revision history on a document before you are able to access it. To view the revision history of your document, take a look at the following tabs located in the top right corner of the screen.



Viewer History

To access the viewing history of a document, select the following icon. This will enable you to see who and when someone previously accessed the document.

revision history



Comment Thread

To access suggestion mode and commentaries from team members, or your own comments, select the following icon. This will enable you to analyze comments related to the document.

comment thread

Final Considerations

Keeping track of changes and amendments made to a document has never been easier.

Google offers a host of features that enable users to keep track of not only who has access to a document but also who saw the document and when. This tool provides extended efficiency for team collaboration.

Andrew is one of three co-founders of BGFG, the parent company of PC Guide. A keen gamer and PC enthusiast, Andrew dabbles in a bit of writing sometimes - when he gets the chance to!