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How To Pair An Apple Watch

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Reviewed By: Kevin Pocock

How To Pair An Apple Watch
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An Apple Watch is one of the most sought after pieces of wearable technology, and it’s easy to see why. They’re extremely useful, comfortable, and they look great.

The only thing about smartwatches is that they require some set up to pair and unpair them from your devices. Sometimes this can be a little confusing, so we’ve created this handy guide for you to know how to pair your Apple Watch. 

We’ll start by explaining how you unpair your Apple Watch from your old device and then how to pair it with your new device. 

Without further ado, let’s get you set up!

How To Pair Apple Watch With New iPhone



Download the Latest Version of the Apple Watch App

Start by downloading the latest version of the Apple Watch app onto your iPhone (it will automatically update if there are any updates). Once downloaded, open the app and follow the instructions provided.



Restore from Backup

You may wish to restore your old settings by clicking “restore from backup” and selecting your most recent backup.



Finish Downloading your Old Settings

The Apple Watch will then go through its processes. Once it’s finished downloading your old settings, you can use your watch as you did on your old device.

And that’s it!

What If My Apple Watch Isn’t Pairing With My iPhone?

If you’re having trouble getting your watch paired with your iPhone, try restarting both devices. It could be something simple like turning off Bluetooth on your iPhone or your watch. 

If this doesn’t help, make sure you’ve updated your watch software to the latest version. This should fix any issues with pairing.

How Do I Know Which Version Of The App Is On My Watch?

To check which version of the app is currently running on your watch, navigate to the watch app on your iPhone. 

Then tap on the three dots at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Select “settings” and scroll down until you reach “watch”. Here you’ll find information regarding the current version of the app.

How Can I Update My Apple Watch Software?

To update your watch software, firstly ensure you have the latest version of the watch app installed on your iPhone. Then access the watch app on your watch and select “update watch”. 

This will take a few minutes depending on the speed of your internet connection. When it’s done, you’ll receive a message confirming the update has been applied successfully.

How Do I Delete Apps From My Apple Watch?

You can delete apps from your watch just like you would from your iPhone. Simply press and hold on the app until you get a pop-up menu. Tap “delete” and confirm.

How To Unpair Apple Watch From Old Device



Accessing the Watch App

It’s worth starting by explaining how to unpair from your old device. Start by accessing the watch app on your phone and click on “my watch”. Next, you need to click on “all watches” and you’ll be able to see a list of all watches linked.



Unpair Apple Watch

Click the “i” icon on the watch you wish to unpair and select “unpair Apple Watch”. 



Back up All of your Settings and Content

Remember to back up all of your settings and content etc. from your old device before you begin using your new iPhone.

The Bottom Line

Pairing your Apple Watch with your iPhone is usually easy and takes less than five minutes. But don’t forget to back up your data and settings before trying out your new device.

About the Author

Andrew is one of three co-founders of BGFG, the parent company of PC Guide. A keen gamer and PC enthusiast, Andrew dabbles in a bit of writing sometimes - when he gets the chance to!