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Home-working pushes back Ubisoft and Nadeo’s reboot
The new entry in the beloved track racer is going to be in players’ hands slightly later than originally scheduled, as Ubisoft has just announced that TrackMania [2020] is not going to hit the originally planned release date of May 5th, and the release date has moved to July 1st.
Not a huge upheaval from the originally planned release date, and given the chaos caused by the shift to working from home, I think it's perfectly understandable, and players will likely appreciate the frank explanation given by the developer Nadeo. Here's their statement:
“Our teams have been adapting to working from home, and even though we already are back to a good level of efficiency we need some time to make up for the transition. As a result, we have decided to release the new Trackmania title on July 1st instead of May 5th.
We know this is disappointing for those who were looking forward to getting their hands on Trackmania in May, but we believe this is the best choice for our players and our team, especially given the current circumstances.”
Still, to whet our appetites, they have released a new trailer showing off how the game is looking.
It's looking pretty shiny. If you're not familiar with the series, it's focused on time attack racing around increasingly bonkers tracks, with big loop-de-loops and jumps. You don't race against other cars on the tracks, but there are other ghost racers that you can race against, either your own prior best times or against other player's ghosts.
Previous entries have focussed on different settings, where they've had games centered around settings like a canyon, a valley and a lagoon, but this reboot of the original game is getting back to the classic stadium setting from the original game.
Graphically it's always been a very clean game, with lots of bold colors and open spaces. The new version, in particular, has very visually appealing reflections on all the cars and tracks.
Are you a fan of any of the prior games in the series? Do you like the look of this new Trackmania trailer? Will you be checking this outcome July 1st?