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How to use Midjourney Commands

Master the Art of AI image generation with Midjourney commands

Reviewed By: Steve Hook

Last Updated on January 18, 2024
A complete guide to midjourney commands and text prompt parameters.
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OpenAI’s AI art rival Midjourney is the best tool that takes your art of AI image generation to the next level. Just like other AI image generators such as DALL-E 3 and Stable Diffusion, the Midjourney is a super powerful AI generator that empowers your art generation’s creativity with the help of artificial intelligence.

The AI tool generates the images by utilizing text descriptions with primary image commands. When interacting with the Midjorney bot on Discord servers, text prompts are known as commands, and come with useful parameter controls. So in this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through how to master Midjourney commands.

How to use Midjourney commands

With Midjourney commands, you can customize default settings, create images, or track user info. To use the command in Midjoiurney you have to start “/ ” to activate the command function then choose the appropriate command, you want to apply in your prompt. Here’s an entire options list of Midjoureny commands that you can use. 

Midjourney CommandFunction
/ImagineFor Generating images by using text
/fastFor switching to fast mode
/helpFor getting tips and basic information about the Midjourney bot
/askTo get an answer to the question
/daily_themeFor notifications
/stealthFor switching stealth mode
/publicFor switching to public mode
/SubscribeGenerates a unique link for the account page
/relaxFor switching to relax mode
/prefer optionTo manage custom option
/settingsTo adjust and view the Midjourney bot’s settings
/InfoTo view information about the account
/blendFor blending two images together
Prefix commands list

Midjourney Basic Parameter List

Adding the following parameters to the end of your text prompts will alter your AI-generated image in clearly defined ways. For display purposes, we’ve used a double emdash. However, when using these commands yourself, you should use a double hyphen.

Midjourney Aspect Ratios

  • — —aspect, or — —ar change the aspect ratio of generation


  • — —chaos <number 0–100> Change how varied the results will be. Higher values produce more unusual and unexpected generations.


  • — —fast  override the current setting and run a single task using fast mode

Image Weight

  • — —iw <0–2> sets image prompt weight relative to text weight


  • — —no Negative prompting. There is also a parameter called — —no plants for removing plants from the image


  • — —quality <.25, .5, or 1>, or — —q <.25, .5, or 1>  How much rendering quality time you want to spend. 

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  • — —style random This parameter is for adding a random 32 base styles style tuner code to your prompt


  •   — —repeat  <1–40>, or — —r <1–40> To create a multiple jobs from a single prompt


  • — —stop Use the parameter to finish the job partway through the process

Midjourney Model Version Parameters


  •  — —niji <4, or 5> An alternative model focused on anime-style images. 


  • — —version <1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, or 6> or — —v <1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, or 6> Each number represents a different version of the Midjourney algorithm.

What are Midjourney commands?

A Midjourney command allows users to interact with the Midjourney bot to generate AI-powered creative images, view and adjust settings, monitor different user profiles, check the profile information, create a personal link for the account, and do other helpful tasks. 

How can I give a command in Midjourney?

Giving command to Midjoureny is quite easy. You just have to type a forward slash “/” followed by the command you want to use. For example, you can start typing /ask (followed by a space, at which point it will acknowledge the command) and the bot will find the answer to the question for you.

Midjourney /ask command used to ask Discord bot about image resolution.
Midjourney /ask command used to ask Discord bot about image resolution.

Abhinav has an interest in tech and AI and getting the best out of purchases, be that hardware or software.