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How To Turn Off Voicemail on iPhone

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Reviewed By: Kevin Pocock

How To Turn Off Voicemail on iPhone
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Deactivating voicemail on your iPhone saves you from many inconveniences especially if you are not interested in using this feature. The method that you use for doing this will depend on your phone carrier and the type of phone that you have. In this article, we present you with 3 easy methods on how to turn off voicemail on your iPhone. 

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Deactivate voicemail from the Settings

Depending on the model of your iPhone and its software specifications, you might be able to deactivate voicemail directly from the settings app. This is an easy and simple method and you don’t have to worry about complicated operations and difficult terms. 

Depending on where you live, the type of voicemail settings will be unique and particular to your own phone carrier. To deactivate voicemail on your iPhone from settings, follow these simple steps. 



Unlock iPhone

Unlock your iPhone and look for the settings app on your home screen or App Library. Tap on it in order to enter the settings of your phone.




Inside the settings, you should have a separate tab that is related to voicemail. This tab lets you change the specific instructions with this feature.



Voicemail Tab

Once you reach the voicemail tab, look for the deactivation option provided by your mobile company.

While this method is fairly simple and will solve your problem quickly, not all iPhones are able to do this. That is why we present you with 2 more methods that you can try if the first one did not work for you. 


Disable voicemail from Phone app

The Phone app is the one you use for making and checking calls. Depending on the service provider, some of them will allow you to disable the voicemail feature directly from this app. But the specific steps to follow are varying and they also depend on the model of your iPhone.



Open Phone app

Open the Phone app from your home screen or App Library. The icon of this app is represented by a white phone icon with a green background and is commonly found at the bottom of your home screen.



Phone app settings

Tap on the Phone app and look for settings inside. This step will be entirely dependent on your service provider and some of them may include a section related to voicemail options.

You can contact your mobile carrier and ask for further help. They will know how to guide you based on the exact model of iPhone that you have. If this method does not work for you, there is another one that you can try which is guaranteed to work for most people.


Deactivate Voicemail Using Phone Codes

There are specific codes that you can use in order to communicate with your mobile service provider. While the receiver will be a robot, you can use this method to change the settings related to your mobile service just by tapping on the screen and listening to instructions.

Each provided has its own settings and they have a direct influence on how your phone makes and receives calls. But this is not a guaranteed method as not every mobile carrier in the world is required to allow communication through specific codes. If your provider doesn’t allow this feature, you might have to look for other solutions.

If you want to deactivate voicemail on your iPhone by using phone codes, follow these steps. Do not get overwhelmed by complicated codes and further instructions from your carrier that might confuse you. As you can see, the process is relatively simple. 



Open the Phone app

Open the phone app and tap on the “Keyboard” option situated at the bottom of the screen.



Dial code

On the keypad, dial the code ##004# and make the call. This feature will be disabled and your voicemail will no longer work unless it is activated again.



Deactivate voicemail

After deactivating the voicemail, call your phone from another device and check whether the voicemail has been turned off or not.

There is a chance that your mobile carrier has its own unique code number designated for voicemail deactivation. If the one presented by us does not work, try contacting them and asking for further instructions. Maybe this method presented by us will be effective when performed in another way that is recommended by your service provider.


The voicemail has been invented in 1930 and soon it will be a 100-year-old technology. Over the years, it has been updated and adapted to our phones as the world progressed with various technological advancements. However, today voicemail is becoming less and less popular as texts or even voice messages sent directly on apps are more convenient. 

This feature is still used in the business world where important messages are shared. For this reason, Apple still implements this option on their phones and therefore allows mobile carriers to operate their service through this option. If you consider it useless or annoying, you now have 3 different methods to try if you want to deactivate voicemail on your iPhone. 

About the Author

Si Yan contributed to PC Guide in 2022 and supported with content creation. Previously working at a major electronics company, she brought her knowledge of consumer tech to the site.