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iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch – How To Fix

It's a type of bug
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Reviewed By: Kevin Pocock

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch – How To Fix
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If you are having issues with the iOS 15 keyboard glitch, it’s more or less affecting everything you do on your iPhone. From surfing the web to writing back to your friends and family, it’s no fun having a delayed iOS 15 keyboard. From keyboard settings to resetting your iPhone itself, there are a few troubleshooting tips we’ve managed to get hold of to help you and your iPhone back to normal.

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch – How To Fix

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch

The first port of call will be your keyboard settings, then from there, we can look at more general troubleshooting. Let’s go:

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iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch – Reset Keyboard Dictionary

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch

It’s a good idea to wipe out those custom words you’ve added to the iOS keyboard dictionary from time to time to stop and performance issues. To start, go to Settings > General Settings > Reset > Reset Keyboard Dictionary.

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch – Disable Predictive Keyboard

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch

The predictive keyboard can also slow down performance, being a root cause of the iOS 15 keyboard glitch. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Toggle off the Predictive option so deactivate the predictive keyboard.

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch – Reset App

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch

if you’re having an issue with the iOS 15 Keyboard glitch in one specific app, as in no issues on other apps, just reset the app to fix. Swipe up from the bottom of the iPhone screen to find the app you’re having issues with, then swipe up on the app to close it. Then, find the app in your app drawer to re-open.

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch – Restart Your iPhone

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch

Restarting any smart device, PC or laptop will dump and temporary files that might be clogging up memory. Doing with your iPhone may solve your iOS 15 keyboard glitch.

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch – Restore Your iPhone

iOS 15 Keyboard Glitch

If you’ve tried all of the above tips and the iOS 15 keyboard glitch remains, it’s probably time to back up your personal files to iCloud and restore your iPhone. To do this on your iPhone itself, Go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings. You can also do this by plugging your iPhone into a PC or Mac and using iTunes or Finder respectively to restore your iPhone.

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About the Author

Christian 'Reggie' Waits' is a contributor to PC Guide, having written a wide array of how to and buying guide content.