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How to Facetime Android – iOS 15

Can Android Facetime iPhone? You betcha. Learn how to Facetime with Android friends on iOS 15!
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Reviewed By: Kevin Pocock

How to Facetime Android – iOS 15
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FaceTime Android – Two words no one thought would live side by side with each other. Remember how redundant your efforts felt whilst typing “How to FaceTime Android iOS 15” or equivalent? Well no more, Apple has finally dropped their iron curtain of exclusivity in favor of accessibility and brand recognition by bringing FaceTime to Android and Windows Devices. Oh, and they want to be better than Zoom, probably.

Learning how to FaceTime with Android is simple, as Android and Windows users will access FaceTime via a web link. But here's the catch with FaceTime Android; the host user will need to be running FaceTime on an Apple device. Yes, we're all still in shock at PC Guide HQ too (We also love sarcasm).


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How to FaceTime Android iOS 15

facetime android

Let's walk through how to FaceTime with Android from the iOS 15 side of things. Don't worry, if you are trying to go down the FaceTime Android or Windows route, you literally just need to click/tap a link when it's sent to you. 

This will take you to a waiting room, you'll be let in once the host ticks your name on their FaceTime. No specific app or service is needed as it's browser-based, so this link can be copied and pasted into your favorite messaging app for example.

Open FaceTime App on iOS device

android facetime

This can be found in your app drawer, then tap ‘Create Link'

Create A Chat Link And Join

android facetime

From here, you can enter the name of the chat in the FaceTime pop-up at the bottom of your screen, You can also choose to copy the link or share via eMail, Twitter, etc. Once you've shared the link to other participants, tap the chat name then hit ‘Join'. Once other users join, they will be put in a waiting room, just tick their names to allow them into the chat.

There we have it, a quick and easy way to FaceTime your Android friends with the new iOS 15 update! We’ll have a load more iOS15 guides on the site so make sure you come back for more hints and tips!

About the Author

Christian 'Reggie' Waits' is a contributor to PC Guide, having written a wide array of how to and buying guide content.