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When was DALL-E 2 released?

It is nearly DALL-E 2's one year anniversary!
Last Updated on August 11, 2023
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DALL-E 2 is the latest image generator that creates artwork by interpreting the natural human language. Like the GPT-3, it is an AI language model that makes images by receiving text descriptions as input. With millions of current users becoming increasingly popular daily, many have been wondering – When was DALL-E 2 released?

DALL-E 2 features

DALL-E 2 is another latest machine learning model that can create countless digital images for its users. It is eminent as the latest AI software that receives human-written text descriptions or prompts as input and creates an image that best resembles it as an output.

In addition, the DALL-E 2 is an AI tool allowing users to create images from scratch. You can’t tweak or edit a piece of art or image using the tool.

Is DALL-E 2 released yet?

Yes! OpenAI released DALL-E 2 in April 2022 as AI image creator software. DALL-E 2 is available for everyone to use for free, but free users will have limited access.

Since its release, it immediately grabbed the attention of many users – the accuracy or the resemblance of the images it creates as an AI is just too accurate.

Can I use DALL-E 2 for free?

Despite being one of the best AI image-creating models, DALL-E 2 is free for everyone. But, that doesn’t mean it’s free to use with unlimited access. Yes, you can use it daily, but you will have limited user access as a free user.

DALL-E 2 works on credits. Each free user will get 50 credits for the first month and 15 credits from the second month onwards. According to some fans, the free 50 credits can only generate up to 200 images. Similarly, the next 15 free credits will create you around 60 free images.


Undoubtedly, DALL-E 2 is a great addition to the AI world as an image creator. You can always use it for free to create some best images to display on the internet or share with others. However, use it wisely. As you can only create a few images each month.

Kevin is the Editor of PC Guide. He has a broad interest and enthusiasm for consumer electronics, PCs and all things consumer tech - and more than 15 years experience in tech journalism.