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Intel 13th and 14th gen instability is also affecting Fortnite, and the official fix from Epic Games isn’t perfect

More problems coming Intel's way
Last Updated on July 16, 2024
Intel 13th and 14th gen instability starts affecting Fortnite - and the solution won't impress fans
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Players using Intel’s newest processors, specifically the 13th and 14th Gen Core i9 models (i9-13900K/KF/KS and i9-14900K/KF/KS), are experiencing frequent crashes in Fortnite, according to fans and Epic Games. This adds Fortnite to the growing list of games affected by instability issues plaguing these recently released CPUs. The situation highlights a concerning trend for gamers using Intel’s latest offerings.

Previously, studios like Alderon Games and Warframe developers Digital Extremes reported similar problems, even advising users to consider switching to AMD processors due to the uncertainties surrounding Intel.

Intel instability issue acknowledged by Epic Games

Epic Games has acknowledged the issue and released guidelines to help players mitigate the crashes. However, the solution isn’t ideal. It involves implementing Intel’s baseline default settings, essentially resetting the CPU to factory settings. While this may improve stability, it comes at a significant cost. It can result in a performance drop of over 10% in some cases, which is less than ideal.

Furthermore, the official instructions from Epic Games also suggest changing SVID Behavior setting to ‘Intel Fail Safe’. This isn’t completely safe depending on your BIOS version, and only exists on ASUS motherboards.

Summary of the problem acknowledged by Epic Games – Image Source: Buildzoid on X

This performance decrease is a major drawback for users who invested in high-end CPUs expecting top-tier performance. The situation becomes more concerning when considering the imminent release of Arrow Lake-S desktop CPUs. Intel needs a swift solution to regain user confidence before the launch of its next desktop generation, Arrow Lake.

This issue highlights the importance of stability for gamers. While high-end specifications are desirable, consistent performance is equally crucial. Intel must address these instability problems to ensure a smooth gaming experience for users who have invested in their latest CPUs.

Tom is a tech writer with a detailed view on ensuring the best buying advice, most useful information, and latest news makes its way into PC Guide's articles.