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The “most annoying” part of Fallout London is fixed by this fan-made grenade mod

No more nade spam
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The “most annoying” part of Fallout London is fixed by this fan-made grenade mod
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One of the most frustrating aspects of Fallout London, according to some players, has been the relentless barrage of grenades thrown by NPCs. This constant bombardment often felt overwhelming and unfair, especially when faced with an endless supply of explosives. However, a (presumedly) disgruntedly fan has stepped in to address this issue with a mod that improves the gameplay experience. It’s a quick and simple mod, but a welcome one if you’re announced by NPC nades.

Grenade Spam Fix mod for Fallout London

The mod, aptly titled Grenade Spam Fix, prevents NPCs from using an unlimited number of grenades. By introducing a finite supply of throwable explosives, the mod creates a more balanced arena. This change makes the game more enjoyable for those on a casual playthrough, and funnily enough, replicates a similar ‘No More Nade Spam’ mod for the base Fallout 4 game.

The mod’s creator has ensured compatibility with various other mods, including popular customization options like FallUI – FOLON Icons Replacer. The impact of this mod is already being felt by players, who have expressed their gratitude for the fix. We spotted one person calling the grenade spam the “most annoying” aspect of the game, and the mod has effectively addressed this problem. Likewise, the Fallout 4 version of this mod sports a comment explaining that dealing with Molotovs “is just plain annoying”.

While crashes may remain a significant issue for some Fallout London, the grenade spam fix offers a much-needed improvement to the overall gameplay experience.

Image Source: NexusMods

With the recent addition of a Skyrim-style leveling system mod to Fallout London, and the dice roll mod, fans of the series have even more reason to be excited about what’s to come. It is especially encouraging that many of these mods address criticisms voiced by the game’s community in online forums, meaning if you want something changed, you have a good chance of it happening. As Fallout London continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more content that will keep players entertained and invested.

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Tom is a tech writer with a detailed view on ensuring the best buying advice, most useful information, and latest news makes its way into PC Guide's articles.