Believe it or not, ChatGPT can get you a job. In this article, we look at what aspects of the job search can be automated, or at least sped up significantly, via the use of AI. While some things require a personal touch, the advantages of using an AI chatbot in your job search are significant. Without further ado, let’s learn how to use ChatGPT to apply for jobs.
How to use ChatGPT to apply for jobs
Much of the job application process consists of repetitive text-based tasks in natural human language — something LLMs excel at. From writing your professional summary, all the way through to the job interview itself, a large amount of this process can be accelerated with the help of ChatGPT (and other high quality natural language generative AI.) Make sure to check “What is ChatGPT – and what is it used for?” as well as “How to use ChatGPT to write a CV” for further advice on this topic.
Recruiters will always be looking for specific key works in the applications of those hopeful jobseekers coming through their inbox. The hiring manager will put these keywords in every job posting, so you can simply look through a bunch and take note of the commonalities.
How to use AI to apply for jobs
Create an OpenAI account
Go to in any web browser and sign up for an OpenAI account.
Decide on a task to automate
There are several steps within the job hunt process.
Whether you want to employ artificial intelligence in the writing of your CV or resume, your cover letter, in the writing of emails or as an interview training chatbot, AI has you covered.
If you have none of the above, let’s start at the beginning.
Write your CV
The first and most crucial step is to list your experience in an impressive yet truthful way.
More so, list experience that matches the job descriptions you’ll be applying for. Tell ChatGPT to “Write a CV that includes the following job titles and dates:” then follow it up with your work experience thus far!
Write your cover letter
Your cover letter can be more free-flowing. Lots of prose, little formatting — but still keep it to one page.
Tell ChatGPT to “Write a cover letter including the following achievements and qualifications:” and then add in a list of the cool yet extraneous things you’ve accomplished!
Practice for the interview
You’ve armed yourself with a bullet-proof curriculum vitae. You’ve demonstrated that you’re more than the sum of a few job titles.
Now comes the final and most dreaded step — the interview. To make this step less scary, practice answering interview questions in a conversational way with a chatbot AI. Ask ChatGPT to “Pretend to be an interviewer, interviewing me for the position of X at Y in the Z industry” and see what questions it comes up with!
It’s certain to ask you something you weren’t prepared for — Perfect! It’s better you realize that now than during the real thing.
Can you use ChatGPT to apply for jobs?
Yes, some amount of the job search process is automatable. A repetitive task that requires more intelligence than copy & paste, and also needs to result in natural-sounding human language is perfect for an LLM like Chat GPT.
Can companies detect ChatGPT
Only to some degree of accuracy. The topic of AI-written text detection is a field of research unto itself, but in short, possibly. However, using AI to help write your CV and cover letter is not illegal nor even frowned upon as long as it’s true and accurate. As an addendum, always avoid plagiarism.
Do companies check if you use ChatGPT?
Some do, some don’t. For those companies who do, it’s unlikely they check your CV and cover letter for the use of AI unless writing is a core aspect of the job description. Even then, AI is not dark magic. Many media publications are publicly adopting the use of AI for content writing in so far as it increases profits or reduces costs.