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How to move URL bar to the top iOS 15 Safari

Sometimes change doesn't sit well

Reviewed By: Kevin Pocock

Last Updated on July 15, 2024
move search bar to top ios 15
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Ergonomics! They’re taking over design on everything, even things we’ve had one way for years and are now embedded deep within our muscle memory has been changed. It’s all in the name of making sure people can reach the tab bar without straining themselves on the ever-lengthening phones, but we’re a people of hating change and we need it back the way it was. Follow below for exactly How to move URL bar to the top in iOS 15 Safari.

Having issues with installing iOS 15? We’ve got a guide to help you through that too!

How to move URL bar to the top iOS 15 Safari

Let’s get to learning how to move search bar to bottom of screen iPhone! Follow the steps below.

Open Settings

On your homepage, drag down to reveal the search bar. This will let you hunt through your phone for any settings, file or app you want without having to go digging through the different sections of the phone. Type in Safari, which will take you straight to the Safari settings, allowing you to change the tab to the old position.

Tab Settings for Safari

Scroll a bit further down the Safari settings and choose your desired tab location. This will immediately put the tab back to the top, but will only display a singular tab, you won’t be able to do the new slide to the next tab feature that comes with it on the bottom.

Now you know how to move search bar to bottom of screen iPhone, you’ll probably want to move it back again!

iPhone 13 – Where can I buy?

Error Installing iOS 15

The iPhone 13 has finally been released to the wider public and now you too can buy them in the multiple colors that they come in. Hot purple, I’m jealous. Meanwhile, we’re working on bringing you various guides for the new iOS 15 and iPad 15, including how to set Focus and what it actually is!

Meanwhile, in the world of Microsoft, the Surface Event revealed a rather tantalizing new device.

Buy the iPhone 13:

iPhone 13 (US/UK)

iPhone 13 Mini (US/UK)

iPhone 13 Pro (US/UK)

iPhone 13 Pro Max (US/UK)

The UK can get the iPhone 13 Unlocked and Monthly Payments via Amazon right now!

Joel is a a lover of janky games, Magic the Gathering, and going down rabbit holes. For PC Guide he has written about peripherals, the Steam Deck, retro games, news and more.