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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 crashing on PC, stuck on loading screen, and black screen – our troubleshooting guide

Some methods to help you get back in the game
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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 crashing on PC, stuck on loading screen, and black screen – our troubleshooting guide
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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 will be out on September 9, but those who purchased the Gold or Ultra edition can jump into it right now thanks to early access. However, like many new games, this one also has its fair share of technical issues.

If you’ve encountered crashes, loading screen freezes, or black screen issues, you’re definitely not alone. Many players are facing similar challenges, even those with one of the best GPUs for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. The game’s developers have also issued an apology to players facing such issues and confirmed that they are currently working on fixing them.

However, while the issues may seem daunting, the good news is that these problems can often be resolved with a few simple troubleshooting steps. But before you move on to the methods, make sure you meet the game’s minimum system requirements. This is because trying to run it on a system that does not even have the minimum hardware required for the game will cause several issues. Also, if you’re planning to play the game on the go, make sure to check out the best laptops for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.

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Why is Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 crashing on my PC or stuck on the loading screen?

The game might be crashing on your PC or stuck on the loading screen due to a number of potential reasons, such as:

  • Corrupt game files.
  • Incorrect power settings.
  • Outdated GPU drivers.
  • Incorrect graphics settings.

How to fix Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 crashing and stuck on loading screen issues

A common issue we’ve seen would be game crashes or freezes on a loading screen. “Loading resources” seems to be a big one and is present once you make it past the splash screen. One user on the Steam forums reported this happening on pretty much the highest-end hardware available right now, the 7950X3D and RTX 4090, with comments reporting similar behavior or ridiculously long loading times.

If the game does not stop crashing on its own or you can’t go past the loading screen, then try following the methods mentioned below to fix the issue.



Verify the game files

If Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is crashing on your PC or is stuck on the loading screen, it could be because there’s something wrong with the game files. Either some of them have gone corrupt or are missing.

However, instead of reinstalling the game, you can use the repair feature in your respective launcher to quickly fix or replace the files.


  • Launch Steam and got to your game library.
  • Find and right-click on Warhammer.
  • Select Properties and go to Installed Files.
  • On the right side, click on ‘Verify integrity of the game files.’
Verify game files Steam
Verify integrity of game files option in Steam

Epic Games

  • Open Epic Games Store and access your library.
  • Click on the three horizontal dots below the game’s icon.
  • Select Manage, and then click on the ‘Verify’ button next to the Verify Files option.
Verify files Epic Games Launcher
Verify files option in Epic Games Launcher

If the repair feature has not fixed the issue, then try reinstalling the game.



Install the game on your SSD

For some players, the game was constantly crashing on their PC when it was installed on the HDD. However, they were able to fix the issue by reinstalling the game on their SSD.

SSDs are faster and lighter than standard HDDs, and they also provide faster load times in games. So, if you have one in your system, try deleting the game from your HDD and reinstalling it on the SSD.

If you downloaded the game through Steam, you can also try moving it first instead of deleting it.

  • Launch Steam and click on the ‘Steam’ option in the top left corner.
  • Click on Settings and go to Storage.
  • Now, select Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 and click on ‘Move.’
  • Choose your SSD next, and wait for the files to move.
Steam move files option
Move files option in Steam

If moving the files does not fix the problem, then you’ll have to reinstall it.



Change the power plan settings

The power plan settings can help you with managing how your PC uses power. However, in some cases, a specific power plan can also cause different issues in the game. So, switching to a different power plan may help fix the issue.

  • Go to the Windows Search Bar.
  • Type ‘Power Plan’ and then click on ‘Edit power plan.’
  • Click on ‘Change advanced power settings.
  • Click on the current power profile and change it to ‘Power saver.’
  • Click on Apply and OK, and then restart your system.
Power options
Power options



Change the graphics settings

Another reason why the game may be crashing on your PC is incorrect graphics settings. If you try to run the game on settings that your PC can’t handle, it will crash after a few minutes of gameplay.

So, go to the in-game graphics settings and bring everything down to low or medium.

Warhammer 40,000 space marine 2 graphics settings
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 graphics settings



Power cycle your PC

If Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is stuck on the loading screen, it may be due to a temporary bug or glitch. Thankfully, in most cases, this can be fixed by performing a power cycle.

  • Shut down your PC.
  • Remove its power cable.
  • Wait for around five minutes.
  • Plug the cable back in and turn the PC on.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 black screen – potential fixes

Aside from crashing and getting stuck on the loading screen, you can also face an issue in the game where the screen is completely black – as we’ve noticed online from some users. And as this Reddit user says, paying $100 for a black screen isn’t too fun.

The worst part is that you can’t even see an error code to identify the issue (if there even is one that is). If you’re currently in the same boat, then you can try following these steps to get rid of the problem.

  • Update your GPU drivers. This is because trying to run the game on outdated drivers can cause different issues, including a black screen. So, go to the official website of AMD, Nvidia, or Intel, depending on the card you’re using, and download the latest version of the drivers from there.
  • Try using a different HDMI or DP cable. In some cases, a faulty cable can also be the cause of the issue. If you notice there are cuts or bends in the current one, then using a new cable may help get rid of the black screen issue.
  • Make sure your system is not overheating. This can happen if you have not cleaned your PC in a while or if there’s malware on your PC. In any case, use a tool like HWiNFO to monitor the temperature of your components. If they are too high, shut down your PC and clean it. Make sure to replace the thermal paste of your CPU and GPU too if you haven’t done that in a while. Once done, turn on your PC and use a good antivirus program to scan your system for malware.


We understand that there’s nothing worse than facing crashing, loading screen, and black screen issues in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, as they can ruin your gameplay experience. However, by following the methods mentioned above, you’ll hopefully manage to fix the problem in no time.

About the Author

Abdul is a tech writer and Editor for PC Guide, specializing in all things tech, gaming, and hardware.