Windows 11 News

Latest Windows 11 News

Microsoft have a Notion of what to do
It has a really long, nonsensical name too
Windows 11 RTM
The next version will be a free upgrade, missing features
Older machines need not worry - maybe
With a release date of December 8th, will Halo Infinite be on the subscription service?
The game was missing from the Xbox Gamescom conference
The official Twitter account had a weird date set on their latest tweet
Windows 10 users, don't panic! There's a clear explanation!
Windows 11 is getting closer to its release date and you can now download official ISOs
Microsoft Teams, Tonnes of Fixes and a fresh lick of paint for the Calculator
A look at what's in store for the new Windows 11 22000.100 build
It’s nearly decision time as to which version of Windows 11 you will be plumping for. Let’s take a closer look at what we can expect.
Want to upgrade to Windows 11? How much will it cost and can you get it for free?
Find out all the current problems with the latest Windows 11 build before you do that update.
Microsoft announced that a TPM chip is now going to be required for running Windows 11, sending the entire internet into a frenzy of scalping.
Now we all know what TPM 2.0 is, are we any better off than we were last week?
Use WhyNotWin11 to find Windows 11 compatibility issues