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A new set of custom AI-generated emojis could be on the horizon for Apple users

Apple enters the AI ring
Last Updated on May 27, 2024
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The WWDC is right around the corner, and with Apple set to make a number of announcements, reports and rumors have been circulating. Apple is expected to finally be launching itself into the world of AI, with additional features being launched for iOS 18. A recent On Power newsletter by Mark Gurman discusses Apple’s suspected dive into a new custom feature powered by AI. Let’s take a closer look.

What will arrive with the iOS 18 update?

In Mark Gurman’s report, he discusses how Apple will be implementing AI into iOS 18, presenting the idea of AI-generated custom emojis. Along with upgrades to the notes app, home screen customization, and a smart recap for notifications, Gurman reports that Apple will be using generative AI to create emojis according to text tone for specific occasions. Gurman states that Apple plans to bring a number of new features to iOS 18 and macOS 15, however, he believes AI-generated custom emojis to be a standout.

“One standout feature will bring generative AI to emojis. The company is developing software that can create custom emojis on the fly, based on what users are texting. That means you’ll suddenly have an all-new emoji for any occasion, beyond the catalog of options that Apple currently offers on the iPhone and other devices.”

Mark Gurman – On power newsletter

This feature will offer users a never-ending versatile way to express emotions over text and provide a unique emoji option for any occasion. It’s not abnormal to see Apple refreshing its emoji offering, with improvements made every annual iOS update. However, it is expected that this AI-generated emoji update will not require users to wait for an iOS upgrade, making the transition more seamless and accessible.

Despite the apparent advancements in Apple technology, there are still downsides to consider with this type of update. Having a user custom emote tool can result in unsutiable graphics being generated, which is what Meta experienced upon introduction of its AI stickers. Due to this consideration, it is expected that Apple will put in place some kind of restriction or guideline, ensuring that users will not be able to create something offensive or inappropriate.

Eve is a writer and copy editor at PC Guide, who focuses on a broad range of topics but main interest lies in the development of AI technology.