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Err_Ssl_Version_Interference – Fixes

Try some of these fixes to sort the issue for good
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Reviewed By: Kevin Pocock

Err_Ssl_Version_Interference – Fixes
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You’ll often see the err_ssl_version_interference error code when browsing the internet using either Chrome or Firefox. However, just because it is rather common among these browsers’ users, doesn’t make it any less annoying when it does pop up. So, what does this error code mean?

Here are a few answers that will hopefully make you understand the err_ssl_version_interference code more and how you can avoid it becoming a nuisance.

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There are a number of reasons why you might be seeing this error code on Google Chrome. It will often be accompanied by a light gray background with a sad piece of paper with a folded edge above it.

Google Chrome will also give you a few methods to amend the error and enable you to reach the site that you were trying to get to in the first place.

Unfortunately, these methods of redemption are often not very helpful. They might include checking your connection or your proxy and firewall. If there is nothing wrong with either of these two things, though, Google Chrome does little else to help you get some answers.

Here are a few reasons as to why you might be seeing this error code pop up:

  1. The site that you’re trying to get to doesn’t support a TLS protocol version that can be mutually agreed upon. For example, one part is supporting TLS 1.3, but the other doesn’t support it.
  2. The site might have disabled its support for 1.2, although this is often only an issue if you are using an old browser.
  3. TLS 1.3 itself doesn’t support the prior versions of the protocol the other party is offering.
  4. Your computer is set to the incorrect date and time.
  5. Your computer has the SSL incorrectly installed, or it has expired.
  6. The hardware acceleration settings might be incompatible with the site’s protocols.
  7. The version of Google Chrome is outdated and needs an update. This could also be true for your anti-virus.
  8. Your browser cache data is corrupted.


If you are experiencing this error message, then you need to find out why it is happening. There are a couple of ways that you can do this. Take a look at the potential fixes down below to hopefully fix this message.


Use An SSL Checker

One of the more common reasons why you’re getting this message is because your SSL isn’t installed correctly onto your device. By using an SSL checker you can see if this is the reason for the err_ssl_version_interference message or not.

If there is something wrong with your SSL, you will need to uninstall and reinstall the program. You should also take this time to ensure that your SSL is valid.



Site information

Click the padlock icon on your browser search bar.



Validate Certificate

Click security (“site is secure/insecure”) then Certificate Valid.

You will then see a popup telling you when your SSL is valid from and when it expires. If your SSL has already expired, then you will need to renew it or choose a different one.


Remove TLS 1.2

Browsers still running TLS 1.2 might feature the err_ssl_version_interference as it is not the commonly used option anymore. You should disable this and use TLS 1.3 instead to see if this removes the error message.

To disable TLS 1.2, open a tab in Chrome and type chrome://flags/ into the search bar before pressing enter. The flag options will open up. Type TLS into the flags search bar and find TLS 1.2. Use the dropdown menu to click Disable before relaunching Chrome.

Head to the same website that you were trying to get on when you saw the err_ssl_version_interference message. You should be able to get to it without any issues now.

Other Potential Fixes

If the above two options don’t help you, there are a few other things that you can try. Here is a list of potential fixes to try when the most common ones don’t do the trick:

  • Enter the correct data and time on your computer.
  • Clear your browsing data and history.
  • Remove any antivirus software you’re running.
  • Disable hardware acceleration from the advanced settings on Chrome.
  • Clear your cache.
  • Remove and disable all browser extensions.


The err_ssl_version interference error occurs when you have a problem with your SSL certificate.

It tells you that the version of the protocol that the server is offering is too old to work with the version of SSL that you are currently using. You can resolve this by updating your SSL certificates or disabling TLS 1.2.

If this doesn’t work, then there are other options that you can try to remove the err_ssl_version_interference error message. We hope that you have found our article helpful and are now rid of the annoying error code!

About the Author

Andrew is one of three co-founders of BGFG, the parent company of PC Guide. A keen gamer and PC enthusiast, Andrew dabbles in a bit of writing sometimes - when he gets the chance to!