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AMD Ryzen 5600G and 5700G are still on sale for RRP or there abouts in some corners of the internet. Is this the start of positive change in the PC hardware market regarding availability?
Scalping has always been an issue when it comes to any popular product or event on-sale. With the addition of chip shortages and worldwide lockdowns, hardware is harder to get hold of than usual, especially PC hardware. We've seen graphics cards, processors, and motherboards being sold by scalpers for nearly double the RRP in some cases.
AMD UK are still selling both APUs for RRP, with AMD US having no products available currently:
Newegg is still selling the 5700G with Warframe at the time of writing this article:
Even eBay prices are behaving, albeit more in the UK than US, which is seeing some large fluctuations outside of sponsored listings:
Have scalpers had enough of taking risks? Let's hope so! It seems people are becoming savvier as the world begins to return to some kind of normality following the Covid-19 pandemic, saving their wallets for RRP purchases over-inflated scalper prices.
With that being said, top-of-the-line graphics cards are money makers not just for scalpers, but for cryptocurrency farmers. Whilst a large number of these farms have been shut down overseas, over inflation needs to calm down. , a large number of used cards flooded the market thanks to shuttered crypto farms in China. Of course, said cards had no guarantees they'd work on delivery with a high percentage of them being burned out from overuse.