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How To Clear Cache On iPad

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Reviewed By: Kevin Pocock

How To Clear Cache On iPad
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Having a slow iPad and no space for important apps is one of the worst nightmares a tablet owner can have. Before you get frustrated and start looking for a new device you can't afford on Amazon, you should try to clear the iPad Cache and enjoy a little bit more speed and storage.



Find the “Clear cache” option

Open up settings and go to “Safari.”



You might not have Cache.

If the setting is gray, you don't have any history or iPad Cache to delete, so there is nothing to do here.



Delete the iPad Cache

Scroll all the way to the bottom and tap clear history and Website Data.

How to clear iPad Cache: Blocking cookies

You'll see a pop-up screen, then tap “Clear” again. This will clear all your history, cookies, and browsing data on your iPad.

If you want to avoid having to clear iPad Cache build-up, you can simply block cookies, so you won't have to encounter this problem again. To do so follow these steps:



Go to settings

Scroll to the bottom and find Safari.



Block cookies

Tap Safari and then turn on “Block all cookies.”

If you block the cookies you will likely not be able to sign in to some sites and you'll see a message stating that cookies are required for that website to work properly.

Find more Tablet How-Tos and step-by-steps throughout PCGuide, including how to use split screen on iPad and how to perform a factory reset on an Amazon Echo.

About the Author

Camilo is a contributor for PC Guide. He's been into tech since he was a teen, surfing through the web and local stores trying to find the cheapest way to play the latest Half-Life on his old Windows