Acrotray – What Is It?
Table of Contents
When converting documents into different formats, it is important to use the right tools. In this case, Adobe Acrobat Tray is used to convert documents into other types of files.
This tool keeps track of changes made by the user and notifies them whenever an update is needed, and you will see a list of files and folders.
This program is a legitimate Adobe Acrobat tool used to allow users to convert files into other formats. It is also part of the standard version of Adobe Acrobat 9.
Is Acrotray Harmful?
Acrobat Reader is a legitimate program used by many people. Acrobat Reader needs Acrotray.EXE to change document formats into different ones. Acrobat Reader is not harmful because it is a legitimate program.
Acrobat Reader is an application used for viewing PDF files. Acrobat Reader was developed by Adobe Systems Inc and is published by Adobe Systems. Its location is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Reader\AcroRdr.exe.
All of the information about the Acrotray executable indicates that it isn’t a virus, nor does it cause harm.
However, some malicious software may use a similar name as the legitimate program. Therefore imitation processed may be harmful.
Users can check whether the Acrotray process is harmful by looking up the location.
The legitimate Acrotray executable is located in Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 9.0/acrobat/acrobat.exe.
Checking the location reveals that this is indeed the actual location of the program. This means that it may be fake so you should use anti-virus software to remove it.
Should You Get Rid Of Acrotray?
Disabling the legitimate Acrobat.exe process will make your computer startup faster.
This is why disabling the Acrobat Tray.exe might be worth doing because it always automatically starts up when you start up your computer, even if you never used it before.
If you don’t use it regularly, you shouldn’t keep it as a background process. Otherwise, it may affect your system performance.
Task Manager
You should run Task Manager as an administrator so that you can disable Acrobat.
To do this, use the Windows key+S to open the Start Menu.
Type “Task Manager” into the search box and press Enter. Right-click on the icon for Task Manager and choose Properties.
Click on the Security tab and then the Local Policies button. Select User Account Control Settings and set the level to Never notify.
Close Task Manager by clicking on the X in the upper left-hand corner. To stop the process: taskkill /f /im acrotray.exe
To restart the process: start acrotray.exefailcount0
Autoruns is a useful tool that allows you to monitor and control applications that start up with Windows startup.
This application helps users to remove unwanted programs from the computer without having to manually delete them.
You can also set your system to automatically run certain programs when you log into Windows.
Open the extracted folder, and run Autoruns64.exe as an administrator.
Searching for Acrobat Assistant (AcroTray), we see that it’s disabled. Restart your computer, and it won’t start up anymore.
Disabling from Services
Change the settings of the two services mentioned above to Manual.
This will stop the AcroTray service from starting up when Windows starts.
Change the startup type to Manual for both. Restart PC and ACROTRAY probably won’t start anymore.
Temporarily disable virus scans
Programs that scan viruses can conflict with the activation of Acrobat.
Before activating Acrobat, temporarily disable these programs: Virus protection software, Firewall software, Software that stores deleted files, etc.
Disable the software firewall and contact your system administrator if you need help disabling other programs. When you disable a program, you must remove it completely before you can reinstall it.
To do this, open the control panel (Windows key + R), then type in “Control Panel” and press enter.
Then, double-click “Add or Remove Programs”. Select the current version of acroread and click change. Follow the on-screen directions to uninstall Acrobat.
Click on the link titled “Uninstall Acrobat Reader DC”. You’ll be asked if you want to delete the files associated with Acrobat. Go ahead and confirm.
In Summary
Acrotray isn't a virus but it can slow down your PC. If you don't need it then there are several ways to uninstall it as we have seen. If you do want to keep it, ensure that it is genuine and get rid of anything that seems like a virus by following the steps above.