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Hisense TV no sound – how to fix and possible causes

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Hisense TV no sound – how to fix and possible causes
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If your Hisense TV has no sound and you're looking for ways to fix it, then we have you covered right here. 

Usually, when your Hisense TV displays pictures, but the audio is missing, it is likely due to messed up sound settings, volume issues, or the wrong audio output selection. Thankfully, these issues can be fixed easily. 

However, if troubleshooting does not work, then your TV speakers or audio output might be damaged. In the worst-case scenario, there might be a problem with the TV's mainboard or other internal components. In such cases, you will have to contact Hisense support. 

With that being said, there are a few methods that you can try yourself to see if you can get the sound back on. The steps listed below should work on all Hisense TVs. 

Why Hisense TV has no sound

There are quite a few reasons why your Hisense TV might have no sound – 

  • Wrong audio settings
  • Audio output not set correctly
  • Speakers are damaged
  • Malfunctioning audio connection
  • Firmware issues

How to fix Hisense TV sound not working



Increase the volume

The first thing you can try in this case is to make sure that your TV is not set on ‘mute' or on a very low volume. 

Here's what you can do – 

  • Press the mute button to check if the TV is muted or not
  • Try increasing the volume
  • If you think the volume buttons on the remote are not working, try the buttons on the TV
  • You can also use smartphone remote apps to increase the volume 



Try changing the sound mode

If tinkering with the volume levels is not working, then you can try changing the sound mode. Sometimes, if the sound mode is not selected correctly for the content you're watching, then it might deteriorate the sound quality. 

Here's how to change the sound mode on Hisense TV – 

  • Head over to ‘Settings' menu
  • Find and click open the “Sound” option
  • Select sound mode, and you will see a list of sound modes 
  • Try choosing different modes and check the sound
  • If it works, you can select a mode and exit the menu



Check the audio output settings

If you have external speakers or soundbars connected to your TV, you can choose whether you want your audio to be played via the TV speakers or the peripherals. Sometimes, you might end up choosing the wrong output.

  • See if the right audio output is selected
  • Check if the output you have selected is turned on (for instance, if you have chosen external speakers, see if they're turned on and working)
  • See if the peripherals are connected properly to the TV



Turn the audio settings to default

Sometimes if you tinker a bit too much with the audio settings, you might end up messing up the audio setup. If you think this is the case, then the best way to resolve it is to set the audio settings back to default. 

Hisense Roku TV

  • Go to Settings
  • Click open the System section 
  • Selected Advanced System Settings
  • Choose the factory reset option

Hisense Android TV

  • Head over to Settings
  • Click open Device Preferences
  • Go to Sound and then choose Reset to Default

Hisense VIDAA TV

  • Go to Settings
  • Click open Sound
  • Then, click open Sound Mode Settings
  • Select Reset Current Mode

Hisense Fire TV

  • Go to Settings
  • Head over to Display & Sounds
  • Click on Audio Output
  • Click on Surround Sound and then set it to ‘Best Available'

Hisense Google TV

  • Select your Profile and then go to Settings
  • Find and open Display & Sound 
  • Click open Sound and then select Reset



Update your TV's firmware

If your Hisense TV's firmware has not been updated in a while, then it is likely that some bugs in your TV haven't been fixed. 

Here's a general idea of how to update your Hisense TV – 

  • Go to Settings from the home screen
  • Head over to Device Preferences
  • Locate and click open the About section
  • Click on System Update
  • Your TV will scan for available updates
  • If there's an update available, install it

After the firmware update is installed, check your TV for sound.

Please note that the exact process of updating your TV will depend on the model you have. For more details, check our guide on how to update Hisense TV



See if the connecting cables are working properly

If you're using external speakers or soundbars, then you should check whether they are properly connected to the TV. If the cables are loosely connected, then the sound system won't work. Also, check for any damage to these cables, like fraying, and consider replacing them.



Power cycle your TV

Usually, power cycling solves minor glitches, so it's worth trying it out for the no sound issue.

Here's how to power cycle your Hisense TV –

  • Turn your TV off
  • Unplug it from the wall outlet
  • Wait for a minute
  • Plug it back in
  • Turn it on

Check if the audio works.



Factory reset your TV

If the troubleshooting tips here do not work, then you can try factory resetting your Hisense TV. Note that a factory reset will delete all your settings 

  • Go to Settings
  • Look for ‘System' or ‘Advanced Settings'
  • Then, find and select the ‘Factory Data Reset' or ‘Reset' option
  • Some Hisense TVs have two options – Reset TV Audio/Picture Settings' and ‘Factory data reset' – you can choose the one you prefer
  • You might be prompted to enter a 4-digit code
  • The TV will be reset after you confirm the action

When the TV restarts, check if the audio is working.

The exact process for resetting your Hisense TV will depend on your model. For more information, you can check out our guide on How to reset your Hisense TV.



Contact Hisense support

If nothing seems to be working, then it's time to get in touch with the Hisense support team, especially if you think the TV speakers are the culprit.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why does my Hisense TV suddenly have no sound?

If your Hisense TV has picture but the audio doesn't seem to be working, it might be due to a variety of reasons – 

  • TV is muted or has low volume
  • Wrong audio output was selected
  • Audio output is not connected properly
  • Damaged speakers or soundbar

You can resolve these issues by changing the settings, resetting your TV, or trying other troubleshooting ideas listed in our guide.

How do I reset the sound on my Hisense TV?

The exact process of resetting the audio settings on your Hisense TV will vary depending on your specific model. However, the general process looks something like this – 

Settings > System > Advanced System Settings > Factory Reset


To sum up, the Hisense TV no sound issue can be resolved by checking the audio settings, switching to the right audio output, or adjusting the volume levels. If you think it is a glitch, then you can try power cycling or even factory resetting your TV. If nothing seems to be working, then you should contact Hisense support. 

About the Author

Nitisha is a content writer and editor and she has over 3 years of experience in writing about video games and tech.